Cochise Newsroom
The Cochise College Governing Board will consider an increase to the primary property tax levy for Cochise College following a public hearing at its May 9 special meeting.
In compliance with section 15-1461.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, Cochise County Community College District is notifying its property taxpayers of Cochise County Community College District’s intention to raise its primary property taxes over last year’s level. The Cochise County Community College District is proposing an increase in primary property taxes of $497,223 or 2.00%.
For example, the proposed tax increase will cause Cochise County Community College District’s primary property taxes on a $100,000 home to increase from $236.49 (total taxes that would be owed without the proposed tax increase) to $241.22 (total proposed taxes including the tax increase).
This proposed increase is exclusive of increased primary property taxes received from new construction. The increase is also exclusive of any changes that may occur from property tax levies for voter-approved bonded indebtedness or budget and tax overrides.
Citizens wishing to address the Governing Board are invited to attend the public hearing on the tax increase that is scheduled to be held at 6:00 p.m. on May 9, 2023, in the Governing Board Room 301, Human Resources Building - 300, 901 Colombo Avenue, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635. Members of the public who wish to attend via video conference can join at
Anyone needing an accommodation in order to attend should contact the Accessibility Services office at (520) 515-5337 at least 72 hours in advance.
This Truth in Taxation Notice for this proposal will be posted in the Herald/Review County Edition on April 19, 2023, and in the Herald/Review on April 30, 2023. For more information about the CCCCD proposed 2023-2024 budget and the Truth in Taxation notice, please go to the Truth & Taxation section.
- Writer
Cochise College News
April 19, 2023