Feedback Forms

Feedback is Welcome!
Students, staff or community members who have a nonacademic issue or concern should first attempt to resolve the matter directly by speaking to the staff member involved. Should this approach fail, then they should submit written feedback by completing the public incident/non-academic report form.
Students with an academic issue or concern should review policy 3010 and attempt to resolve the matter directly by speaking to the staff member involved.
Policy 3010 Academic Dishonesty (PDF)
Policy 3011: Academic Appeals (PDF)
A student may appeal an academic or instructional decision if they deem it to be unfair
or made in error. It is the responsibility of the College, student, and faculty members
to work together to resolve academic issues in a way that promotes academic integrity,
partnership, respect, and transparency.
Student Academic Appeal Form
The purpose of C.A.R.E.S. is to ensure that students who need help and support during
their educational journey are educated about and receive access to available resources.
C.A.R.E.S. will assess the type of support students might need and respond with respect,
care, and compassion.C.A.R.E.S. is private but may not be confidential. C.A.R.E.S.
will work to deliver support to the student and will keep information private, but
confidentiality may not be guaranteed and in some circumstances, C.A.R.E.S. may need
to refer the situation to other college or community agencies to assist in responding
to the reported concern.
Email or call the C.A.R.E.S. team directly with any questions to (520) 417-4752.
Online CareNetwork Report Form
Every member of the Cochise College community—student, staff, faculty, and visitor alike—has the right to learn, live, and work in a safe and positive environment. We all have a responsibility to ensure that everyone can enjoy the benefits and opportunities of the college free from discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual assault and harassment, stalking, rape, acquaintance rape, domestic violence, and/or dating violence.
The Arizona SARA Council has jurisdiction over Arizona SARA-approved institutions
regarding non-instructional complaints for distance education students. Upon completing
the institution’s and AC4’s complaint process, a student may register a complaint
with the Arizona SARA Council. Visit the AZ SARA Complaint Process (website) for more information. For students who are residents of states outside of Arizona,
consumer inquiries may also be directed to the State Consumer Protection Agency (PDF) where they reside.
Please visit NC SARA, AZ SARA, and WICHE-SARA for more information.
The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association accredits Cochise
College. Questions about Cochise College’s compliance with accreditation standards
can be directed to:
Higher Learning Commission
230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500
Chicago, Illinois 60604-1411
Students, staff or community members who have a nonacademic issue or concern should first attempt to resolve the matter directly by speaking to the staff member involved. Should this approach fail, then they should submit written feedback by completing the public incident/non-academic report form.
Students with an academic issue or concern should review policy 3010 and attempt to resolve the matter directly by speaking to the staff member involved.
Policy 3010 Academic Dishonesty (PDF)
Policy 3011: Academic Appeals (PDF)
A student may appeal an academic or instructional decision if they deem it to be unfair
or made in error. It is the responsibility of the College, student, and faculty members
to work together to resolve academic issues in a way that promotes academic integrity,
partnership, respect, and transparency.
Student Academic Appeal Form
The purpose of C.A.R.E.S. is to ensure that students who need help and support during
their educational journey are educated about and receive access to available resources.
C.A.R.E.S. will assess the type of support students might need and respond with respect,
care, and compassion.C.A.R.E.S. is private but may not be confidential. C.A.R.E.S.
will work to deliver support to the student and will keep information private, but
confidentiality may not be guaranteed and in some circumstances, C.A.R.E.S. may need
to refer the situation to other college or community agencies to assist in responding
to the reported concern.
Email or call the C.A.R.E.S. team directly with any questions to (520) 417-4752.
Online CareNetwork Report Form
Every member of the Cochise College community—student, staff, faculty, and visitor alike—has the right to learn, live, and work in a safe and positive environment. We all have a responsibility to ensure that everyone can enjoy the benefits and opportunities of the college free from discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual assault and harassment, stalking, rape, acquaintance rape, domestic violence, and/or dating violence.
The Arizona SARA Council has jurisdiction over Arizona SARA-approved institutions
regarding non-instructional complaints for distance education students. Upon completing
the institution’s and AC4’s complaint process, a student may register a complaint
with the Arizona SARA Council. Visit the AZ SARA Complaint Process (website) for more information. For students who are residents of states outside of Arizona,
consumer inquiries may also be directed to the State Consumer Protection Agency (PDF) where they reside.
Please visit NC SARA, AZ SARA, and WICHE-SARA for more information.
The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association accredits Cochise
College. Questions about Cochise College’s compliance with accreditation standards
can be directed to:
Higher Learning Commission
230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500
Chicago, Illinois 60604-1411