Civic Engagement & Voter Education
The vote has long been understood as a fundamental right, a basic freedom, and an expression of civic responsibility. According to Rock the Vote In 2020, Millennials and Generation Z will comprise nearly 40% of American Voters. College students are highly encouraged to vote! Do not miss the opportunity of being adequately represented in our democracy.

Your Vote is Your Voice. Learn how to Use It!
We have compiled a list of tools and resources below to help you learn about the voting process, our country’s democracy, and civic responsibility. Keep scrolling to find information about how to register to vote, upcoming election dates, and different ways to vote.

Highly Established Action Plan

“When we vote, we take back our power to choose, to speak up, and to stand with those who support us and each other.”
Registering to Vote
Check if you’re registered: Not sure if you’re registered to vote or want to make sure you’re registered at your
current address? Check your voter registration status for Arizona and Other States
Ready to register? If you’re not registered or need to update your address, please find your state’s election office website for state-wide voting guidance. Some states allow online voter registration and others require a paper form mailed or delivered in person.
Arizona allows online voter registration, register here.
Arizona Registration Deadline: To be eligible for an election you must be registered or have the changes submitted no later than twenty-nine days prior to the election.
Cochise College Voter Education Project: Join us and bring a friend!
“If we don't vote, we are ignoring history and giving away the future.”
Upcoming Election Dates
If you are an out of state student planning on voting in your home state – please check your state’s board of elections website for any upcoming 2020 elections. If you are an Arizona (AZ) voter, or are planning to register as an AZ voter, the following information applies to you.
General Election
Held: November 5
Voter Registration Deadline: October 7
Early Voting Starts: October 9
Last Day to Request an Early Ballot: October 25
Primary Election– An election used either to narrow the field of candidates for a given elective office or to determine the nominees for political parties in advance of a general election.
General Election– A final election for a political office with a limited list of candidates. The candidates in the general election are the people who won their party’s primary election. General elections happen at a local, state, and national level.
“The vote is precious. It is the most powerful non-violent tool we have in a democratic society, and we must use it.”
Voting in Cochise County
Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL): If you register for the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) you will automatically receive an Early Voting Ballot for every election you are eligible to vote in. 67% of voters vote by mail. To sign up visit the Cochise AZ Gov website
Early voting before Election Day
- Request an Early Ballot. Voters who are not on PEVL may request an early ballot be mailed. Call (520) 432-8358.
- Early ballots must be received by 7pm on Election Day
- Voters may vote early in person up until the Friday before an election at the Recorder’s Office.
At any vote center on Election Day
Vote centers are open on Election Day, 6:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Where are the vote centers? Find out at the Cochise Elections website or call (520) 432-8970.
Poll workers are needed for the 11/3/20 election throughout Cochise County. Anyone registered to vote in Cochise County may serve in this way, and you receive some compensation and travel costs as well. Find out more here.
Candidates & Issues
It’s never too early to start preparing for the 2020 Presidential Elections! Elections take place on November 3, 2020. Visit Ballotpedia to find out information on presidential candidates from all parties.
Also, the Campus Engagement Election Project (CEEP) created “nonpartisan, state-specific guides to help navigate key positions”. These guides include links to statements from candidates in many states on some of the issues that matter most to the voting public.