You’ve made the decision to continue your education, and we’re so glad you’ve chosen us! Choose your student type below to get started. Ready to apply?

Our admissions team is here to help!
The admissions department is available to help you get started on your educational journey! If you need support to identify what type of student you will be, our admissions staff is available to assist you! Choose your student type below to get started!
What Kind of Student Will You Become?

First-Time Degree Seeking
I want to earn credits for a degree, certificate or to transfer to another university.

Middle/High School Student

Job & Workforce Training

I was once a Cochise student and I want to take classes again.




Adult Education

Personal Interest
Important Dates
Residency & Taxes
Current tuition & fees tax year 1098T form in the Maximus TRA Service (website). If this is your first time accessing the Maximus TRA Service website, you will need to create an account before viewing your tax information.
You should have legal residency determined prior to the time of registration and payment of fees. Your residency determines your classification for tuition. It is your responsibility to register under the correct residence determination.
Enforcement of residency requirements and regulations are the responsibility of the Cochise College president. For legal policy definitions, see the Cochise College catalog (website).
Army IgnitED students please contact the Fort Huachuca Center to confirm your enrollment. Email or call (520) 533-2391.
Current tuition & fees tax year 1098T form in the Maximus TRA Service (website). If this is your first time accessing the Maximus TRA Service website, you will need to create an account before viewing your tax information.
You should have legal residency determined prior to the time of registration and payment of fees. Your residency determines your classification for tuition. It is your responsibility to register under the correct residence determination.
Enforcement of residency requirements and regulations are the responsibility of the Cochise College president. For legal policy definitions, see the Cochise College catalog (website).
Army IgnitED students please contact the Fort Huachuca Center to confirm your enrollment. Email or call (520) 533-2391.
Additional Residency Information
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Proposition 300
Cochise College’s registration procedure for credit classes complies with requirements
of Proposition 300, a referendum approved by Arizona voters in November 2006, which
provides that college students who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents, or
who do not have lawful immigration status, are not eligible for in-state tuition status
or financial aid that is funded or subsidized by state monies.
- You are NOT affected by Proposition 300 if you (a) do not receive in-state tuition status and (b) do not receive financial aid funded by state monies (Arizona).
- You ARE affected by Proposition 300 if you (a) receive in-state tuition status or (b) receive financial aid that is supported by state monies (Arizona).
Proposition 300 does not prevent an eligible student from being admitted to our college. However, it will determine a student’s in-state tuition and financial aid, both paid in whole or part by the state. Arizona state law(A.R.S. 15-1802) requires that those who do not show proof of US citizenship or lawful immigration status are to pay out-of-state tuition. Students not verified as in-state under prop 300 pay out-of-state tuition rates.
Demonstrating In-state Tuition Eligibility
All students must provide documentation of citizenship or legal resident status, along with proof that they have established residency in Arizona 365 days prior to the semester start (see In-State Tuition Eligibility Requirements below), to be eligible for in-state tuition. Documents can be submitted via mail, emailing, or going to the nearest campus or center.
Documents can be submitted via mail, emailing, or going to the nearest campus or center.
Cochise College
Records and Registration
901 North Colombo Avenue
Sierra Vista, Arizona 85635-2317
Acceptable Forms of Documentation
The Legislature and the Federal Government have designated several forms of documentation
that the college will accept as evidence of citizenship, permanent residence or lawful
presence. The college will keep a copy on file and record that fact in the student
record system. The college will accept legible color copies of any of the following documents with no evidence of tampering:
- Arizona driver’s license, permit, or non-operator ID issued after October 1, 1996
- Driver’s license, permit, or non-operator ID issued by another US state that verifies lawful presence. Must be dated after 2000 and prior to 2015.
States for which licenses are not acceptable are Maryland, New Mexico, North Carolina, Utah, and Washington.
- US passport, current or expired
- US certificate of naturalization (N-550 or N-570) OR US certificate of citizenship (N-560 or N-561)
- BIA or tribal identification card OR tribal or BIA affidavit of birth
- Tribal certificate of Indian blood (with photo ID)
- Foreign passport with US visa
- USCIS I-94 or I-94A form (arrival/departure record)
- Resident alien card
- US military DD-214 OR US military ID card (active duty, reserve or retired)
- Affidavit of identification (with photo and within 15 days of issue) from AZ Department of Corrections
- Released offender identification from Arizona Department of Corrections
- US permanent resident or resident alien card (Form I-551) OR US alien registration receipt card (Form I-151)
- US machine-readable immigrant visa in foreign passport (within one year after date of endorsement)
- US travel document (mint green cover) endorsed: “permit to re-enter Form I-327” OR “refugee travel document Form I-571”
- US Notice of Action extending immigrant status (Form I-797)
- US temporary resident card (Form I-688)
- US notice of approval to apply for permanent residents (Form I-171 or I-464)
- Other documentation issued by US Citizenship and Immigration Services or representing a status permitted under 8 US Code § § 1621 and 1641
- Form FS-240 (Consular Report of Birth Abroad), FS-545 (Certificate of Birth issued by a Foreign Service post), or DS-1350 (Certification of Report of Birth). These are State Department documents.
- Official birth certificate with seal showing that you were born in the United States, which includes Puerto Rico, Guam, the US Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Swain’s Island, or the Northern Mariana Islands, unless you were born to foreign diplomats residing in the U.S.

Prop 308 qualifies non-citizens (*with exceptions as defined by law) for in-state resident tuition if the student has a) attended an Arizona public or private high school, or homeschool for a minimum of two years; and b) graduated from an Arizona public or private high school, or homeschool equivalent, or obtained an Arizona high school equivalency diploma; i.e. a general equivalency diploma (GED)
*Noncitizens described under 8 U.S. C. § 1101(a)(15) (website) are not eligible for in-state tuition under Prop 308. This includes, but is not limited to, students who hold F1, F2, J1, H4 or H1 visas.
In addition to valid identification and non-citizen verification status, students will need to provide an official Arizona high school transcript or homeschool equivalency showing attendance for two years and graduation. If a student has earned a GED, the student will need to provide an Arizona high school transcript verifying two years of attendance and a GED transcript.
High schools, including charters and online entities, need to be recognized/certified by the Arizona Department of Education to qualify.
- Official high school transcripts must be sent directly from the high school to the college. They can be emailed to or mailed from the high school to the address below.
- Please visit the Transcript Request (website) to find instructions on how to request Official Arizona High School Equivalency (HSE) Diploma/GED transcripts. Transcripts must be sent directly from the Arizona Department of Education to Cochise College. They can be emailed to or mailed to the address below.
Mail: Cochise College
Admissions & Registration
901 North Colombo Avenue
Sierra Vista, Arizona 85635-2317
NOTE: Students who meet the requirements of Prop. 308 are eligible for in-state tuition for any semester that starts AFTER Dec. 13, 2022. Prop. 308 does NOT have a retroactive effect – students will not be reclassified for semesters that began prior to Dec. 13, 2022

Residency for tuition is determined in accordance with state law (ARS §§15-1802et seq.) and regulations of the Cochise College Governing Board. Cochise College is subject to statutes and regulations.
It is up to the student to establish residency, citizenship status and/or lawful status prior to registration. Proof of residency and citizenship documentation must be provided prior to the start of the term in which residency classification is being requested. Any student who is found to be classified improperly shall be required to pay full tuition, or be subject to dismissal from the college. In doubtful cases, a certified statement or documentation of the facts may be required.
The residency verification may be considered complete if the item(s) provided for fulfillment of Prop 300 is an Arizona driver’s license or ID that has an issue date of more than one year prior to the start of the term in which residency classification is being requested. If the Arizona driver’s license or ID does not have an issue date of a year or more; in order to be considered an Arizona resident for college tuition purposes, you must meet one of the following.
- Live in Arizona for one full calendar year
- Active Duty Military/Dependent, Reservist or National Guard member stationed in Arizona
- Member/Dependent or homeland Security stationed in Arizona
- Transferred to Arizona by a company or organization
- A legal dependent of a parent who is a legal resident of Arizona
- A full-time employee of an Arizona school district as a teacher or teacher’s aide
- A member of an American Indian tribe whose reservation lies wholly, or in part, in Arizona
- Entitled to benefits for an approved program of education/training as defined under 38 United States Code chapter 30, 31, 33 or 35
- An honorably discharged veteran who is registered to vote in Arizona
For more information, go to the Cochise College Catalog under Residency Requirements and Regulations and the State Board (website).
You must initiate changing your residency status from out-of-state. Cochise College will not automatically adjust your status. If you believe you have met the qualifications for Arizona residency, below you will find a list of valid supporting documents that will be take into consideration for changing your status to in-state residency. A minimum of threes documents must be submitted, but one supporting document MUST be dated one year (365 days) prior to the last day to add course(s) for the upcoming term.
- Filing of Arizona state income tax report for the previous year
- Current registration of motor vehicle in Arizona
- Current voter registration in Arizona
- Arizona driver’s license issuance date
- Recent graduation from an Arizona high school
- Bank statement (checking or savings) from an Arizona banking institution
- Source of support (wage earning statement)
- Dependency as indicated on federal income tax declaration for dependents
- Utility receipt, Property Ownership Document or Rental Agreement
Documents can be submitted via mail, emailing, or going to the nearest campus or center.
Mail: Cochise College
Admissions & Registration
901 North Colombo Avenue
Sierra Vista, Arizona 85635-2317

Residency for tuition is determined in accordance with state law and regulations of the Cochise College Governing Board. Cochise College is subject to statutes and regulations.
A student must be a lawful citizen or legal resident of the United States and reside in the state of Arizona for one year (365 days) preceding the last day to register for courses in the respective semester to be considered an in-state student. All other students are classified as out-of-state (including F-1 nonimmigrant students). There are exceptions which are detailed above in the In-State Tuition Eligibility dropdown.
Students who have not lived here for a minimum of one year may qualify for reduced tuition. Please visit our Tuition Waivers page for more information.
It is up to the student to establish residency, citizenship status and/or lawful status prior to registration. Proof of residency and citizenship documentation must be provided prior to the start of the term in which residency classification is being requested. Any student who is found to be classified improperly shall be required to pay full tuition, or be subject to dismissal from the college. In doubtful cases, a certified statement or documentation of the facts may be required.
Please visit the Arizona legislature government page to see what qualifies as in-state residency per Arizona State Statutes.
The Arizona Board of Regents adopts guidelines applicable to all institutions that ensure uniform criteria is used in determining tuition status. If you are not a resident of Arizona, you may not register concurrently in two or more public higher education institutions in Arizona for a combined credit-hour enrollment of more than six semester hours without payment of non-resident tuition at one of those institutions.

Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS 15-1802 et seq.) and Cochise College policies determine classification for tuition purposes.
In-State Status
The law does not prevent anyone from enrolling at Cochise College. It does require
that students who are not citizens or legal residents pay out-of-state tuition rates.
The law further states that persons who are not citizens or legal residents are not
entitled to tuition waivers, fee waivers, grants, scholarship assistance, financial
aid, tuition assistance, or any type of financial assistance that is subsidized with
state monies.
Each applicant shall have legal residency determined prior to the time of registration and payment of fees. It is the student’s responsibility to register under the correct residence determination. Enforcement of residency requirements and regulations are the responsibility of the Cochise College president.
Except as otherwise noted, no person having a domicile elsewhere than in this state is eligible for classification as an in-state student for tuition purposes (ARS 15-1802). A person is not entitled to classification as an in-state student until he/she is domiciled in this state for one year prior to the last date to add classes, unless he/she meets one of the following requirements:
- The part of the student’s domicile is in this state for not less than one year and the parent is entitled to claim the student as an exemption for state and federal tax purposes.
- The student is an employee of an employer that transferred them to this state for employment purposes or they are the spouse of such employee.
- The domicile of an unemancipated person is that of such person’s parent. Any unemancipated person who remains in this state when such person’s parent, who had been domiciled in this state, moves from this state is entitled to classification as an in-state student until attainment of the degree for which currently enrolled, so long as such person maintains continuous enrollment.
- A person who is a member of the armed forces of the United States stationed in this state pursuant to military orders, or who is the spouse or dependent child as defined in section 43-1001 of a person who is a member of the armed forces of the United States stationed in this state pursuant to military orders. The student, while in continuous attendance toward the degree for which currently enrolled, does not lose in-state student classification.
- A person who is honorably discharged from the United States armed forces and provides a DD Form 214 with honorable discharge notation.
- A person who is a member of an Indian tribe recognized by the United States Department of the Interior, whose reservation land lies in this state and extends into another state and who is a resident of the reservation.
- Entitled to benefits for an approved program of education/training as defined under 38 United States Code chapter 30, 31, 33 or 35
- An honorably discharged veteran who is registered to vote in Arizona
Proof of Residency
Students must file a Domicile Affidavit (online) with the Admissions Office verifying continuous residency in the state for a 12-month
period. At least three of the following items will be used to establish proof of residency:
- Filing of state income tax report for the previous year
- Current registration of motor vehicle in Arizona
- Current registration as a voter in the state
- Arizona driver’s license issuance date
- Graduation from an Arizona high school
- Bank statement from an Arizona banking institution
- Source of support (employer)
- Dependency as indicated on federal income tax declaration for dependents.
- Utility bill for student’s Arizona residence.
Documentation can be submitted by going to the nearest campus or center, or scanned and emailed to or Call (800) 593-9567 for more information.
Contact Information
Douglas Campus |
Sierra Vista Campus |
Benson Center |
Willcox Center |
Fort Huachuca |