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Scholarships at Cochise College

What is a Scholarship?

A scholarship is an award or payment for a student to further his/her education. Scholarships are awarded based upon various criteria, which usually reflect the values and purposes of the donor or founder of the award. Scholarship money is not required to be repaid by the student.

This page contains information regarding the Cochise College Foundation Scholarships as well as various external scholarships. For those scholarships that are not offered through the Foundation (external scholarships), if the donor does not specify how funds are to be paid, it is the policy of the Financial Aid Office that the funds be equally split between the fall and spring terms.

List of Cochise College Scholarships

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Internal Scholarship Applications - Cochise College Foundationaccordian open close

The scholarships listed were made possible through generous donations to the Cochise College Foundation for the benefit of Cochise College students. To view a chart with descriptions and quantities of the current Foundation scholarships, click here: Cochise College Foundation Scholarships (PDF).

For scholarships with deadlines, apply through Scholarship Universe

Arizona Community College Workforce Scholarship

Senior Grad Scholarshipaccordian open close

Cochise County high school seniors who enroll at Cochise College the fall semester after they graduate qualify to receive a $500 annual scholarship. The Cochise College Senior Scholarship is renewable for the 2nd year and CAN be combined with financial aid and other scholarships.

To Participate:

  • Apply to Cochise College
  • Meet with an advisor and declare a degree or certificate
  • Register for fall classes

Scholarship Acceptance

Students must accept the scholarship and thank the donor for funds to be applied to their account. Complete this Online Acceptance Form by the deadline provided in the award notification. Candidates who do not submit the form forfeit the scholarship to another qualified applicant. Questions? Please email financial aid at

Each high school has a Cochise College Success Navigator assigned to them. Feel free to reach out to them with questions.

Rosa McPherson | Berean, Buena, CAS Sierra Vista, PPEP Tec Sierra Vista, Tombsone

Details and Qualifications

  • Students must maintain a 2.o cumulative college GPA beginning their first semester in order to continue receiving the scholarship. A student whose cumulative GPA falls below the stated minimum cumulative college GPA will not receive the scholarship the following semester.
  • Students must declare a degree or certificate major. They must register for the number of credits listed for their specific degree or certificate each semester which can be found on the Program Finder page.
  • Individuals who earn their GED as part of the Cochise College Adult Education program are eligible for the scholarship the fall semester after they graduate.
  • Home-school students who are residents of Cochise County are eligible.
  • College GPA earned prior to graduating from high school/enrolling full time at Cochise College will not be factored into the cumulative GPA during the first semester for this scholarship program.
  • Senior Scholarship funding may be used for tuition for college- and pre-college-level, credit-bearing courses.
  • No refunds are permitted.
  • The scholarship may be deferred up to two years following high school graduation when the student provides advance documentation of post-graduation service. Affected students should contact the Financial Aid Office at prior to leaving for service.
  • Cochise College employees and their dependents do not qualify for this scholarship but may apply for other scholarships.
Earn to Learn Scholarship Opportunityaccordian open close

Application available until May 17, 2023 for the 2023-2024 Aid Year: Visit the Earn to Learn website for more information.

Award Notification and Acceptance

You will be notified by email if you have been selected to receive a scholarship. Award notifications will be sent to the email address you provided in the application materials, preferably your Cochise College email address. To accept the scholarship and thank the donor, complete this Online Thank You Letter by the deadline provided in the award notification. Please submit one form for each scholarship received. Candidates who do not submit the form forfeit the scholarship to another qualified applicant.

External Scholarship Opportunities

Many companies and organizations offer scholarships for students. This is just some of the scholarship opportunities that are available outside of the college’s scholarships.

Students are encouraged to search and apply for scholarships that are available from a wide variety of organizations. When searching, consider:

  • Scholarships provided by professional or trade organizations associated with your desired career field. Organizations like these often have a website where scholarship information is available.
  • Your employer, or your parent’s employer, as a possible source of scholarships.

Cochise College recommends using the following free scholarship resources. We have split them into various categories for your convenience:

External Scholarships by Criteriaaccordian open close

Arizona Scholarship Aid
Arizona Community Foundation
Arizona Department of Education
Community Foundation of Southern Arizona
Keep Your Chin Up (Opened from September 1st until October 15th)
Healthcare Heroes (Opened from September 1st until October 15th)

The Arts
1st Art Gallery Scholarship

Auto/Skilled Trade
Horatio Alger National Career & Technical Scholarship
SSVEC Trade School Scholarship Program

Nelson Cabinetry Scholarship
USA Corporate Service Inc Scholarship

Community Service
Bethune Law Scholarship
Schneider Hammers ScholarshipAnnual Scholarship, Deadline December 31.

First Generation
Kryder Law Scholarship

Foster Care
Foster Care to Success

General Scholarships
Against All Odds Scholarship
American Indian Education Fund Scholarship
Antibodies-Online University Scholarship
Asheville Recovery Center Scholarship
Chairish Scholarship Program
Chapel of the Flowers Scholarship
Conex Boxes Scholarship
Easton & Easton Law Office Scholarship
Eric Dalius Scholarship
Global Perspectives Scholarship
Gounaris Abboud Scholarship
GVD Renovations Scholarship
Joe Durham Annual Scholarship
John B. Jackson Annual Scholarship
Kirker Davis LLP Scholarship
Pacific Bay Recovery Scholarship
Protect Your Rights Scholarship
Rustic Pathways
SuperMoney’s Financial Literacy Scholarship

Darrigo, Diaz & Jimenez Scholarship for Emergency Responders & Families

Foreign Affairs Information Technology (FAIT) Fellowship

DoD – SMART Scholarship
EnergyRates.Ca College Scholarship

Spouse of Military Veteran Tuition Scholarship Spring 2025

Scholarship Information

There are many scholarship opportunities available for students. At Cochise College, we recommend students do the following things to increase their chances of being awarded a scholarship.

  • Because some scholarships require documented evidence of financial need, it is recommended that applicants complete the form on the FAFSA website as soon as it is made available.
  • Visit the list of Cochise College Scholarships at the top of this page to see what you may qualify for.
  • Visit external scholarship pages to learn about many other scholarship opportunities outside of Cochise College.
Special Circumstance Tuition Waiveraccordian open close

Tuition waiver for child or spouse of peace officer, correctional officer, firefighter, emergency paramedic, national guard member or member of the United States armed forces killed in the line of duty; national guard members with Purple heart and 50% disability rating, United States armed forces members with Purple heart and 50% disability rating disabilities.

 After verification by the Arizona peace officers memorial board, by the Arizona fallen firefighter memorial committee, by the adjutant general of the national guard or by the Arizona department of veterans’ services that a person is a child or a spouse of a peace officer, correctional officer, firefighter, emergency paramedic, national guard member or member of the United States armed forces who was a resident of the state of Arizona or stationed in Arizona and who was killed in the line of duty or who died from injuries suffered in the line of duty while traveling to or from duty, shall provide the person who qualifies and who otherwise meets the qualifications for admission with a tuition waiver scholarship at any university under the jurisdiction of the board.

Please send the verification paperwork to financial Aid, as a PDF attachment to Or fax to Financial Aid at (520) 515-5304

Cochise College Foundationaccordian open close

The Cochise College Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, promotes student success through scholarships. The money raised by the foundation to fund these scholarships comes from individual, foundation and corporate donors.

The Cochise College Foundation offers many scholarships for Cochise College students. Criteria vary for each scholarship and may include: financial need, academic performance, a program of study or some combination of qualifications specified by donors. The deadline for application is usually in May but may vary. Most, but not all, scholarships you apply for now will be awarded for the next academic year. Details are subject to change. For more information about the Cochise College Foundation, visit their Give webpage

Scholarship Donation

Sending a Check

Those sending scholarship checks for a specific student or students may use the Cochise College Scholarship Designation Form below. You may send letters with the payment, however, to award checks to students as efficiently and effectively as possible, the information listed on the designation form is needed. Contact the Business Office at (520) 515-5416 or if you have any questions.

If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation in support of scholarships for any student, checks may be written and sent to the non-profit: Cochise College Foundation, 4190 W Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607 (EIN: 86-0211414). Online gifts can be made here. Contact the Cochise College Foundation at (520) 417-4735 or for more information. 

Scholarship Donation Form (PDF)

Contact Information

Director of Financial Aid
Karen Emmer

Sierra Vista Campus
Student Union - 1000 Bldg.
(520) 515-5417

Douglas Campus
Student Union - 1000 Bldg.
(520) 515-5417

Fax Number
(520) 515-5304

Other Helpful Phone Numbers

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