Student Government Association

Front entrance to new building. Modern architecture with glass doors and tall windows.

District-Wide Student Government Association

All students are encouraged and invited to take an active part in Student Government. SGA is led by twelve appointed officers, which are selected each summer based on an application process. SGA plans, coordinates, promotes and finances a varied program of activities and services for the entire student body through its mission and procedures outlined in its constitution (PDF).

SGA meetings are held weekly for each campus and are open to the entire college community during the Fall and Spring terms. For meeting information please email us at

2024-2025 Officers

Douglas Campus

Ximena Lizarraga – President
Rosella Paco – Vice-President
Camila Rivera – Secretary
Sergio Montiel Treasurer
Estefania Ramirez – VP of Public Relations
Miguel Fragoso – VP of Student Programming

Sierra Vista Campus

Cayla Lewis – President
Nahrin Adams – Vice-President
Morgan Simniok – Secretary
Lyneaann Cervera – VP of Public Relations
Isaiah James – Treasurer
McKenzie Royal – VP of Student Programming

SGA Advisors

Mr. Abe Villarreal – Douglas Campus
Mr. Andy Espinoza – Sierra Vista Campus

2024-2025 SGA Officer Application Form

Contact Information

Douglas Campus
Student Union Game Room
Office 510 B
(520) 452-2609

Sierra Vista Campus
Student Union
Office 1007
(520) 452-2615


Office Hours

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