Non-Academic Complaints
Policy 4008: Student Grievance and Due Process
The non-academic complaints form is to be used for issues other than disciplinary or academic matters and provides students protection against unwarranted infringement of their rights. A non-academic student complaint may concern housing, finance, an alleged violation of college policies, infringement of student rights, and other problems dealing with students, college staff and faculty, and authorized college activities.
Public Incident/Non-Academic Complaint Form
Students with a non-academic issue or concern should first attempt to resolve the
matter directly by speaking to the staff member involved. Should this approach fail,
they should submit written feedback using this form on this page. All pertinent information
(date, a brief statement of the issue, etc.) should be included in the form so the
issue can be resolved. Once received, the form will be forwarded to the appropriate
college administrator for review. The person submitting the form will be contacted
if further information is needed and/or to report a resolution of the issue.
The following procedures ensure an appropriate resolution of a student non-academic
complaint at the lowest possible level:
1. Students with a nonacademic issue or concern should first attempt to resolve the
matter directly by speaking to the staff member involved within ten (10) college working
days of the initial incident. Every effort should be made to resolve the complaint
at the lowest possible level.
2. Should this approach fail, the student should submit written feedback using the
Non-Academic Complaint Form (linked above). All pertinent information (date, a brief
statement of the issue, etc.) should be included.
3. The form shall be forwarded to the Vice President of Student Services or their
delegate. The person submitting the form will be contacted within ten (10) college
working days if further information is needed and/or to report resolution of the issue.
4. If the student feels the complaint has not been resolved, they may submit a written
complaint to the Vice President for Student Services within ten (10) college working
days from receipt of notification from Step 3.
5. The Vice President for Student Services will work with all parties involved to
mediate the complaint in a timely manner.
6. In order to mediate the complaint, the Vice President may engage faculty or staff
members relevant to the complaint in an informal discussion.
7. The decision of the Vice President for Student Services regarding a non-academic
complaint is final.
After completing the institution’s internal complaint process, distance education
students outside Arizona may appeal SARA-related complaints to the Arizona Community College Coordinating Council (AC4) (website).
The Arizona SARA Council has jurisdiction over Arizona SARA-approved institutions
regarding non-instructional complaints for distance education students. Upon completing
the institution's and AC4's complaint process, a student may register a complaint
with the Arizona SARA Council. Visit the AZ SARA Complaint Process (website) for more information.
For students who are residents of states outside of Arizona, consumer inquiries may also be directed to the Consumer Protection Agencies (PDF) of the state where they reside.
Students can view the college's State Authorization webpage for more information.
Sexual Harassment, Discipline and Discrimination Complaints
Complaints of sexual harassment or discrimination should be directed to the Title IX webpage.