Sierra Vista Clubs

Sierra Vista Clubs

ASL Club Logo

American Sign Language (ASL) Club

The ASL Club's mission is to bridge the gap between the hearing and Deaf communities in Cochise County. We offer accessible (interpreted) activities for the Deaf and provide ASL students with opportunities to improve their skills through social interactions.

For more information, contact:

Jesse Smith
Art Club Logo

The Art Club

The Art Club (TAC) explores and celebrates artistic expression in all forms, enriching the college and local community with creativity and beauty.

For more information, contact:

JenMarie Zeleznak | (520) 515-5479
Multi-Business Club Logo

Multi-Business Club

The Multi-Business Club focuses on enhancing entrepreneurial knowledge and career-building skills such as interviews and resume writing. It also organizes workshops to help students thrive after college.

This club is currently paused as it seeks a club advisor.

If interested in advising, contact:
NAMIClub Logo

NAMI on Campus at Cochise College

NAMI on Campus promotes recovery, resiliency, and support for students affected by mental illness. It is a safe space to talk and learn, though club members are not licensed counselors. If professional help is needed, external resources can be recommended.

This club is currently paused as it seeks a club advisor.

If interested in advising, contact:
PTK Logo

PTK - Alpha Mu Zeta Club

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is an international honor society for two-year college students. Membership is based on academic achievement and provides opportunities for service, leadership, and scholarships.

Requirements: 3.5 GPA, 12 college-level credit hours, and adherence to the society’s moral standards.

*If you are shy of the GPA goal, reach out to the chapter for mentoring guidance.

For more information, email:


Tetima Parnprome | (520) 515-538
Megan Cleary | (520) 515-3697
SkillsUSA Welding Club Logo

SkillsUSA Welding

SkillsUSA Welding is a national organization for students in trade, industrial, technical, and health occupation programs. The club helps students develop leadership, citizenship, and career skills, preparing them for the workforce.

The club emphasizes high standards in trade ethics, workmanship, scholarship, and safety.

For more information, contact:

Scott Brown | (520) 515-5460
Strong Oak Historical Studies Logo

Strong Oak Historical Studies Club

The Society for Creative Anachronism is dedicated to researching and recreating the European Middle Ages. Members design and build costumes, make armor, weapons, and shields, and experience medieval culture. The club is associated with the Barony March of Mons Tonitrus and meets in Sierra Vista, but is open to all Cochise College students.

For more information:

Barony March of Mons Tonitrus | Atenveldt
Facebook | Twitter: @BMMTOfficial


Jeni Patton | (520) 515-5328
Tabletop Games Club Logo

Tabletop Games Club

The Tabletop Games Club promotes socialization and sportsmanship through non-electronic games, including board games, card games, and miniatures-based war games.

For more information, contact:

Patrick Jones | (520) 515-5341
Undergraduate Science Research Club Logo

Undergraduate Science Research Club

This club provides research opportunities for students at Cochise College Douglas Campus, expanding knowledge in local, national, and global scientific endeavors. Members also gain experience presenting research to the public.

For more information, contact:

Steven Merkley | (520) 515-3632
Frank Emanuele | (520) 515-4506
Kari Durham | (520) 515-5436
Facebook | Instagram: @cochisecollegeresearchclub
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