State Authorization

Front entrance to new building. Modern architecture with glass doors and tall windows.

State Authorization

The U.S. Department of Education, through its reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, released regulation 34 CFR § 600.9 State Authorizationin October 2010 (revised July 1, 2023), requiring institutions that offer distance education in a state where it is not physically located to meet individual state requirements. This regulation applies to distance education courses for students who reside outside the state of Arizona. Lack of compliance with this regulation can result in loss of federal financial aid, accreditation, and additional penalties.

The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) is an agreement among member states, districts, and territories establishing comparable national standards for interstate offering of postsecondary distance education courses and programs. Arizona was approved as a State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) state effective November 2014. Cochise College is a member institution of SARA; this means Cochise College has reciprocity approval for distance students in other SARA-approved states.

Student Grievance Review Processaccordian open close

Cochise College is committed to providing a valuable distance-learning experience for our students. The primary purpose of the Social Standards Policy  is to set forth the rules and standards of conduct expected of students and others who join the College community. A student has the right to lodge a complaint on campus regarding an event at any other district site.


Academic Complaintsaccordian open close

Policy 3010 Academic Dishonesty (PDF)
Policy 3011: Academic Appeals (PDF) 

Students with an academic issue or concern should review policy 3010 and attempt to resolve the matter directly by speaking to the staff member involved. 

A student may appeal an academic or instructional decision if they deem it to be unfair or made in error. It is the responsibility of the College, student, and faculty members to work together to resolve academic issues in a way that promotes academic integrity, partnership, respect, and transparency.

Send completed form to Dr. Brooks at 

Student Academic Appeal Form 

Non-Academic Complaintsaccordian open close

The process for non-academic complaints is to be used for issues other than disciplinary or academic matters and protects students against unwarranted infringement of their rights. A non-academic student complaint may concern an alleged violation of college policies, infringement of student rights, and other problems dealing with students, college staff and faculty, and authorized college activities. To learn more visit the non-academic complaints webpage.
Non-academic Complaints webpage

After completing the institution’s internal complaint process, distance education students residing outside Arizona may appeal SARA-related complaints to the Arizona Community College Coordinating Council (AC4).

AZ SARA Complaint Processaccordian open close

The Arizona SARA Council has jurisdiction over Arizona SARA-approved institutions regarding non-instructional complaints for distance education students. Upon completing the institution’s and AC4’s complaint process, a student may register a complaint with the Arizona SARA Council. Visit the AZ SARA Complaint Process (website) for more information. For students who are residents of states outside of Arizona, consumer inquiries may also be directed to the State Consumer Protection Agency (PDF) where they reside.

Please visit NC SARAAZ SARA, and WICHE-SARA for more information.

Professional Licensureaccordian open close

Cochise College discloses through a good faith effort whether a degree or certificate program meets academic requirements for professional licensure or certification outside of Arizona. The Professional Licensure by State Table (PDF) identifies professional licensure requirements that have not been determined or do not meet licensure requirements. Please see the Notice to Students Regarding Professional Licensure and Certification for more information on the (34 CFR 668.43).

Questions? Please Contact:

Cochise College Admissions Department
Phone: (520) 515-5326

Cochise College adheres to the 21st Century Distance Education Guidelines for best practices in postsecondary distance education developed by leading distance education practitioners and adopted by the Council of Regional Accrediting Commissions (C-RAC).

Higher Learing Commission Complaint Resolutionaccordian open close

Cochise College is accredited (webpage) by the Higher Learning Commission (website). Students who have concerns regarding Cochise College’s compliance with the Commission’s Criteria for Accreditation may contact them to address their concerns. You can find more information at the Complaints Against an Affiliated Institution (website).

Higher Learning Commission
230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500
Chicago, Illinois 60604-1411


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